Arkansas Nonpoint Source Pollution Program (319)
Related pages: Regulations - Landowner Funding - Organizational Funding
Programs by Agency or Organization
Each link contains information about programs specific to the agency or organization.
State Agencies
- Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (ANRC)
- Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)
- Arkansas Forestry Commission (AFC)
- Arkansas Department of Health (ADH)
- Arkansas Highway & Transportation Department (AHTD)
- Arkansas Game & Fish Commission (AGFC)
- Arkansas State Plant Board (ASPB)
- Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission (ALPC)
- Arkansas Geological Survey (AGS)
- Arkansas Oil & Gas Commission (AOGC)
- Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism (ADPT)
- University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture (UAEX and ARS)
- University of Arkansas, Arkansas Water Resource Center (AWRC)
Federal Agencies
- USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
- USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA)
- USDA Forest Service (USFS)
- US Geological Survey (USGS)
- US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- US Corps of Engineers USACE)
Local Government Entities & Entities That Serve Them
- Municipalities
- Counties Conservation Districts & related associations
- Regional Planning Commissions
- Planning & Development Districts
- Associations (e.g., Municipal League, Association of Counties)
- Others (e.g., Arkansas Chapter, American Public Works Assn)
Nonprofit Organizations
- Statewide (e.g., The Nature Conservancy, Audubon Arkansas)
- watershed groups
- Resource Conservation & Development Councils (RC&D)
- Other local, regional or statewide nonprofits
Membership Associations and Organizations
- Arkansas Farm Bureau
- Arkansas Poultry Federation
- Arkansas Environmental Federation
- Arkansas Homebuilders Association
- Arkansas General Contractors
- Arkansas Forestry Association
- Arkansas Pork Producers Association
- Others
Water Districts & Related Associations
- Water Districts
- Arkansas Rural Water Association
- Others (e.g., professional organizations)
Interagency Coordination Teams
- NPS Management Program Task Force
- NRCS State Technical Committee
- Arkansas Conservation Partnership
- Arkansas Watershed Advisory Group
- Multiagency Wetlands Planning Team
- Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Steering Committee
- Others