Pesticide Storage and Handling - University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service
- Improving Pesticide Storage and Handling
- Pesticide Storage and Handling Assessment
- Pesticide Leachability Chart
- Pesticide Risk Ranking
Pesticide Application - University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service
- Aerial Application Tips for Rust Control (pdf, 0.5 mb)
Training and Certification - University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service
- Helpful Information for the Worker Protection Standard Protective Clothing Requirements, Restricted Entry Intervals, Notification Requirements, EPA Registration Numbers, etc. For Selected Pesticides (pdf, 0.5 mb)
Pesticide Newsletters and Publications - University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service
Prospects for Reducing Environmental Risk at the Watershed Level from Pesticide Loss from Farm Fields Using Alternative Management Programs - Natural Resources Conservation Service
Best Management Practices for Agricultural Handling and Farm Equipment Maintenance (pdf) - Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services